Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What the heck is The Pensive Crayon?!

   The title for this new blog has been described as "Deep, yet childish." That's what I'm going for. Life needs to be enjoyable. When the tough times come along, which they will, learn the lesson to be taught then let it pass. Forget about it when it's over like a child does.
    I learn things by questioning them. Simple things that are just accepted as truth take on real meaning when I investigate and accept them for myself. The way that I think, and the things that I think about help give me insight into who I am.
   My favorite 'Get to know you' question is, If you were a crayon what color would you be and why. There's the inspiration for the title of this blog. So ask yourself (and comment if you'd like),
 "If I were a crayon, what color would I be and, most importantly, why?"


  1. I love that you have a blog! To answer your question I think I would be hot pink. It is sassy, stands out, and can hold it's own, so there you have it.

  2. Thanks for your comment! So far your description of hot pink seems to hold true for what I know of you. :) Why do you like that I have a blog?
